no. 12 - Jerk Routine by Pile

            This ! Band ! Is ! So ! Good !!!!! If it weren’t for this band, my boyfriend and I would never have started messaging on tinder[1]. This was also the first band through which I experienced that specific brand of misogyny when a guy says, “how can you call yourself a fan if you haven’t heard this album by them??”. This was not said by my boyfriend, although he did just now reference it as a joke when I told him I was writing about Pile today. The boy who said that was talking about Pile’s album Dripping, which is definitely a masterpiece, he wasn’t wrong! But Jerk Routine remains my favorite.

Pile combines a country twang with rock music, occasional screaming, and in their earlier releases, gorgeous piano and finger-picked guitar melodies. My boyfriend and I often talk about how much we love the lead singer (Rick)’s crooning voice. He can go from soft and gentle singing to yelling in seconds, a feat that is very impressive and deeply satisfying to sing along to. My favorite track, and possibly my favorite Pile song of all time, is “Raised by Ghosts”. This song is a great example of Rick’s range. The lyrics are beautiful. I love the slow build up. It’s a perfect song.

One of my favorite memories of this album is when I gave my boyfriend a tattoo. He wanted to get “Pile” on his leg, and someone else had given him the “P” but hadn’t finished. He and I had only been dating a few months at most when we sat in his sun-filled bedroom with this album playing as I stick and poked our favorite band permanently into his skin. I remember thinking how risky it was that we were giving each other tattoos so early in our relationship, but it’s been four years since then and we’re still together, so I don’t think it did too much damage[2].

A lot of Pile’s music can feel like too much at first listen- sometimes their instrumentals overlap the lyrics too much, or the songs are loud and fast and manic. But when you sit with it, when you read through the lyrics (which Rick is always happy to email over if needed) you realize that they’re so great at telling stories. The saga of Mr. Fish in their album You’re Better Than This, or the nightmare of having spiders crawl out your butt in the absolute jam of a song “The Browns” on their famous album Dripping, are such wild adventures into both music and storytelling. There’s also “The Soft Hands of Stephen Miller” a biting commentary on the shitty politician on their latest album Green and Gray. From their older releases like Jerk Routine to their latest ones, Pile just absolutely fucking rocks.

You can listen to Jerk Routine here.

[1] His first message to me was “omg you know pile??”

[2] Have I just cursed us? Also our four year anniversary is literally tomorrow, so that’s pretty crazy
